Basic Principles of Incantation

My Responsibilities

  • Game Design
  • Prototyping
  • Book Layout
  • Acting


Private tuition available in Applied Esoterica and the Arts of Incantation for young adults of consequence and magical talent. Education is to be overseen by Professor Alastor Sibly, accomplished esoterician and renowned tutor, in accordance with the modern method prescribed by preeminent linguists and esoteric theoreticians Sir Sharang Biswas and Lord Max J. Seidman, from their well-known treatise Basic Principles of Incantations & Applied Esoterics. Students will receive a thorough grounding on contemporary theories of magical utterances, as well as applications of incantations. Lessons will culminate in practical exams in the use of Proto Esoterica, as befitting young adults of breeding.  

Awards and Recognition

Games of Basic Principles of Incantation have been put on multiple times, most notably by Sinking Ship Creations at the Greenwich House School of Music in Manhattan and at Game Night #5 at the Denny Gallery in Manhattan, New York.

Design Story

I co-designed this live action magic school game in which players have to solve linguistic puzzles to cast spells. With my co-designer, I wrote, playtested, and iterated on puzzles that introduced players to complicated real-life linguistics concepts. I also did graphic design and typography for the “textbooklets” the players relied upon to learn magic and puzzle out the solutions to the game’s challenges.