Clowns Applaud Insanity

My Responsibilities

  • Game Design
  • Project Management
  • Writing
  • Playtesting and QA


Draw a question card, like “Condoms: because ________ isn’t for everyone.” Then, all other players submit their funniest answer card and—you know what? We’re going to assume you’ve seen a game like this before. You probably know how to play… it’s just frickin Mad Libs, but as a card game with adult humor. Our jokes are funny, so you should play it.

Design Story

I worked with a team of researchers and student game designers at Tiltfactor to create Clown Applaud Insanity, an unofficial expansion for Cards Against Humanity. I contributed to the game’s writing.

Clowns was inspired by research suggesting that players who played Cards Against Humanity felt guilty for making racist jokes and compensated by acting less prejudiced afterwards. We asked the question: can we make people act more sustainably by having them make fun of climate change? And the answer was a resounding YES! A plurality of cards in Clowns make fun of climate change, and research showed that players recycled more after playing the game.