
My Responsibilities

  • Game Design
  • Level Design
  • Research Assistant
  • Project Management
  • Playtesting and QA


As a scientist sucked into a conflict playing out across parallel universes, you’ll solve puzzles to escape alternate versions of your lab. Stay one step headed of pursuit as you maneuver between adjacent dimensions! Entangle objects in your dimension with their counterparts in adjacent dimensions to allow you to influence alternate planes of existence.

Design Story

Alongside Dr. Flanagan, I led a team of programmers and artists to create prototype levels. For this project I led the game design and level design, as well as QA and playtesting. I interfaced with an external team to create polished finalized assets.

Virtual reality games always offer unique design challenges. For example, in order to minimize motion sickness (which occurs when a player in VR uses control sticks to move their character), we designed each Entangled level to be played within a 10×10 foot space with no movement other than the player walking about the space. We also designed each level to be able to be shrunk to an 8×7 foot space, and to adjust the heights of puzzle elements to the player’s height.

Entangled was created as a research project to study the impacts of virtual reality on self image and construal levels. It is available on Steam.